A revealing get-to-know-you game that can also be played as a drinking game. Players take turns read...
Air guitar while dancing. Kissing a dog on the mouth. Going back into a burning house to save a friend. My current sex life. Your answer? Damn right or hell no!
Damn right, hell no! is an entertaining game featuring more than 400 provocative, awkward, and hilarious statements that players must quickly react to. One is read out loud each round, and players hold up a Damn right! or Hell no! card to express their opinion. The blunt and politically incorrect statements will have you laughing out loud and baring your soul in no time!
Eating sushi with a fork. Male kindergarten teachers. Taking a dump without bringing your phone. Being loud in bed.
Damn right, hell no! is a game that reveals players’ views on topics ranging from the serious to the absurd. It’s a great way to get to know new and old friends better while having fun at the same time!
Do you have a store and want to sell games that customers love? Our games are fun and straightforward, without the need for complicated rules or endless rounds. It should be simple to have fun - and just as simple to become a retailer with us at Hygge Games. Click here to find out more.