The challenge? To blurt out the opposite of the correct answer with no time for thinking. It’s harde...
Who’s the foodie, who’s the sports nut, who’s the techie, and who’s the film buff in the group? Now it’s time to forget what your friends know and focus on what they don’t!
Thanks for asking..! is a trivia game with a twist: you get to choose your opponents’ questions! The object of the game is to eliminate the other players one by one with questions you think are sure to stump them. The last one standing wins the round!
With over 400 questions and no complicated rules, this fast-paced game is as easy as it is entertaining. And watching other players’ reactions is half the fun! Who will nail a tricky question without breaking a sweat, and who will mutter ”Thanks for asking...” with a scowl before flunking out? It’s time to find out!
This game makes a perfect gift and gives that extra boost to any game night or dinner with friends and family.
Do you have a store and want to sell games that customers love? Our games are fun and straightforward, without the need for complicated rules or endless rounds. It should be simple to have fun - and just as simple to become a retailer with us at Hygge Games. Click here to find out more.