
Would you like to contact us?

We'd love to get in touch with you. It's easiest to reach us via email, but you can call us if you prefer.

If you want to sell our games in your store, find out where you can buy them or if you need a game tip – get in touch right away and we'll help you!

The Office

The Office

Olaigatan 19
70361 Örebro

+4619-10 14 15
VAT-nr: SE556608384501

The Game Factory

The Game Factory

Stränggatan 10
671 41 Arvika

Trade Shows

Trade Shows

US / Toy Fair - New York
US / Atlanta Winter Market
CA / Gift + Home - Toronto
CA / Show T.O. - Toronto
DE / Spielwarenmesse - Nürnberg
DE / Ambiente - Frankfurt
DE / Spiel - Essen
CH / Ornaris - Bern
ES / Intergift - Madrid
FR / Maison objet - Paris
BR / ABCasa - São Paulo

Sociale media

Social Media

Where do we get all our ideas from, and what do we actually do? Follow us on social media to find out.

Become a retailer for Hygge Games

Do you have a store and want to sell games that customers love? Our games are fun and straightforward, without the need for complicated rules or endless rounds. It should be simple to have fun - and just as simple to become a retailer with us at Hygge Games. Click here to find out more.